
Right to Read Week at McDowell: March 20-24

McDowell PTO is thrilled to welcome author and illustrator Troy Cummings back to Hudson for Right to Read Week 2023. Join us as we Paws for a Good Book and celebrate with theme days and special activities throughout the week!

Monday, March 20
Explore(r) U Day: Wear your blue Explorer U T-shirt

Tuesday, March 21
Toy Pet Day: Bring a stuffed or toy pet to read to

Wednesday, March 22
Pattern Day: Wear your favorite animal print or patterned clothing
• Troy is visiting the school!

Thursday, March 23
Pajama Day: Wear your pajamas to school

Friday, March 24
Read a Shirt Day: Wear a shirt with words or Hudson spirit wear

Book signing at the Learned Owl:  Troy will sign March 22 from 4-6 pm. Stop by and say hi!