Hudson PTO is brewing something new for Fourth graders…
Order your pumpkin, take it home to carve and return it on
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 from 10am-4pm to be displayed on the Green
This event is open to Hudson City School District students in 4th grade.
- Have a parent log on hudsonpto.org between September 28-October 10 and order a pumpkin for $10
- Pick up your 12-15lb carving pumpkin on Friday, October 20, from 5-7PM at East Woods Commons
- Carve your pumpkin at home
- Return your carved pumpkin to the Green at First and Main during the Halloween Window Painting Event on Sunday, October 22, between 10-4pm.
- Go to HudsonPTO.org and click on the Halloween Window Link to register.
- Important!! All communication is via email. We must have emails!
DEADLINE is Tuesday, October 10
Contact: Halle Musone 234-380-3735 hcalmu@roadrunner.com
Hudson Green, First and Main, Hudson, Ohio, 44236