Has a teacher made a difference in your child’s life this year?  Has a school employee, secretary, custodian, or aide gone out of their way to help? We want to hear about it and recognize these amazing members of our school community.  Nominations are being taken for the Hudson PTO Teacher of the Year and Staff Member of the Year awards for the 2017-2018 school year. Hudson PTO will recognize one teacher from grades K-5 and one teacher from grades 6-12 as well as one staff member.  Each winner will receive $500 plus be awarded a plaque in recognition of their contributions toward making the Hudson City School District run so smoothly. To be eligible, nominees must have been employed by Hudson City School District for a minimum of one full school year.  Nominations will be accepted from staff members, parents, students and any other member of the Hudson educational community. Nominations are reviewed confidentially by a select committee of PTO board members. Please complete the online nomination forms below to submit your nominations by March 23rd, 2018. For more details, please refer to the Teacher and Staff Member of the Year page: If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Kane via
76 N Hayden Pkwy, Hudson, OH 44236, USA