
McDowell Testing Snacks

Dear McDowell Parents-

This fall, on October 23rd and 24th, our children will be taking the English/Language Arts AIR tests. In an effort to create a more relaxed atmosphere as well as ensure that the kids have something in their bellies at test time, the PTO will be providing a small snack for all third graders.

With considerations given to allergies, nutrition and messiness, we are planning to offer the students packages of Goldfish, Nutrigrain bars, and bananas/packaged apple slices. The snack will be picked up by the students after entering school and be eaten in their classroom prior to testing.

If you do not wish for your child to receive a snack, please discuss this with your child and/or your child’s teacher and consider providing an additional snack for your child on both days.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Jen Barden/Fritz Kass
McDowell PTO
Testing Snack Team