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Ellsworth Hill PTO Unfundraiser

$1.00 or more
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Product Details

Select the option that works best for your family:

  • $25:Thanks for saving me from a Costco run to buy snacks for teachers.
  • $50: Probably won’t remember to scan Box Top receipts, so let’s call it even.
  • $75: Thrilled we don’t have to hit up our family, friends, and neighbors to buy anything.
  • $___: Delighted to support fun activities for students and staff at Ellsworth Hill!

We are raising money and you don’t have to sell a thing!

100% of donations given directly support our school and provide fun extras for students and staff.

Grown ups, your donation gets you access to PTO emails and updates, the opportunity to volunteer at PTO-lead school events, and the sweet satisfaction of supporting your child’s school community!

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