
Attention all 8th Graders!

Date: Friday, May 11th, 2018 Time: 7:00-10:00pm Join in on the fun of the annual HMS 8th grade Lock In! Games, Music, Dancing, Prizes, Food & More… A fun-filled evening students are sure to remember as they celebrate the end of their middle school years with all their friends. Cost is $20 per student and includes all activities. Tickets will be sold during lunch hour at the HMS Bookstore starting Tuesday, April 23rd through Friday, May 11th.  Your child must turn in the signed permission slip (click to download form) along with ticket payment of $20 cash or check (payable to Hudson PTO). You may also purchase tickets and complete the permission slip online by clicking:


If you have a financial concern, please contact Bobbi Wallack, school counselor at 330-653-1320. Please contact 8th Grade Lock-In Coordinator if you have questions or need more information:  Brenda Sooy.
77 N Oviatt St, Hudson, OH 44236, USA