Right to Read Week: East Woods Intermediate, May 17-21
Monday, May 17
Reading Takes You Places.
• Wear clothing from a place you’ve been (e.g.: Daytona Beach T-shirt)
• Create a signpost in your classroom with each student making a sign (arrow) with a destination/setting of a book they’ve read this year. (e.g.: Narnia, Hogwarts,
Neverland, Whoville, Oz, etc.)
Tuesday, May 18
Mystery Day
• Wear a Disguise: Look/dress mysterious: Wear sunglasses or a hat or something completely out of the ordinary for you.
• Invite a mystery reader to read to your class! Consider asking a UA teacher, administrator, or someone from Central Office per availability.
Wednesday, May 18
History Day
• Dress in red, white and blue or like a person from American history.
• Be a History Smasher! Write/tell/Flipgrid the most exciting/crazy/adventurous thing that has ever happened to them, talk about it OR they can pick an every-day event and “flip the script” to make it exciting.
Thursday, May 19
Problem Day
• Dress like one of the Problim children. There are 7 characters to choose from!
• Puzzles, riddles, escape rooms, etc.
• Building Scavenger Hunt
Friday, May 20
Communication Day
• In Her Shoes: Wear your favorite shoes/or a unique outfit to show we are all different.
• Send a non-verbal positive message to someone, write a positive message (Post-It or notecard) to someone, or record a non-verbal Flipgrid to communicate what makes you happy.