Pancake Breakfast is Saturday – Buy tickets now
The 65th Annual Hudson PTO Pancake Breakfast is Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. at Hudson High School!
Pre-Sale Ticket Pricing: Child: $5 | Adult: $7
At the Door Ticket Pricing: Child: $6 | Adult: $8
Allergy/gluten friendly options are available at the same cost
The Pancake Breakfast is PTO’s largest fundraiser. Come enjoy delicious food, music, games, artwork, and so much more! All proceeds from the Breakfast will go directly back to the Hudson
Schools in the form of scholarships and grants. Tickets are available online, or please return the form with payment in full by Thursday, April 14th, 2022. Tickets will be delivered to students on Friday, April 22nd, 2022. Orders received after April 14th will be available at the Will Call table at the breakfast.
Contact Rachel Pringer or Rachel Huch with any questions.
Entertainment schedule
8:00- Middle School Jazz Ensemble directed by Bev O’Connor
8:45- High School Jazz Ensemble II directed by John Burrington
9:30- High School Jazz Ensemble I directed by Roberto Iriarte
10:45- The Lion King Show directed by Tina Hukill
11:10- The Fearsome Flapjacks (Hudson School of Music) directed by Jeremy Jones
11:45- Announcement of Raffle and 50/50 Winners
8:00- East Woods 5th Grade Orchestras directed by Christina Lowell
8:45- East Woods 4th Grade Orchestras directed by Christina Lowell
10:00- Middle School Show Choir directed by Jennifer Platek
10:15- Vocal Impact directed by Jacob Moore
11:00- Hudson Conservatory of Ballet directed by Eric Carvill