57th Annual Hudson Halloween Window Painting assignments and instructions
IMPORTANT Painting Rules & Instructions Saturday, Oct. 21 and Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023, from 8 am-2 pm
Window assignments (PDF)
Assignments are listed alphabetical order by last names of the child who registered. You will see your window (including number) and painting day.IMPORTANT: Window painting rules and instructions (PDF)
CHECK IN- Check in at the Hudson Library on Saturday or Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. Artists may choose the timeframe they wish to paint.
- One parent/chaperone must be present at check in and during the entire painting process.
- Painting must be completed by 2 pm on the day chosen to paint.
- During check-in you or your team will receive original artwork, T-shirts to wear & ONE supply bag containing: 9 paint colors, paintbrushes & a disposable drop cloth.
- Look for the orange tag in the corner of the window with your name(s).
- STOP – Look at your assigned window for cracks or defect. Contact one of the committee members ASAP if your window is damaged.
- REQUIRED: BRING PAINTERS TAPE – DROP CLOTH must be used to cover the bottom of the window & sidewalk. Please use painting tape to attach it.
- Your window has been marked off with blue tape – BE VERY CAREFUL – DO NOT PAINT ON or OUTSIDE OF THE TAPE!!! Merchants have been very generous to allow the use of their windows. If we damage or make a mess, we risk losing their trust and the ability to paint their window in the future.
- Only use the Paint Provided! NO GLITTER or SPLAT PAINTING ALLOWED! YOUR PAINTING WILL BE REMOVED. These are simple rules to follow and are in place for a reason. We hate to remove a student’s artwork. Please don’t make us do that.
- Paint will crack if put on too thick. If paint is thick – add water.
- If you spill paint on the sidewalk or stain the windowsill, please clean it up immediately!
- Please do not enter the merchant store for water or to clean brushes.
- Stay clear of business entrances if possible. Please move for customers that are entering or exiting. We want to make sure businesses can function as usual.
- IMPORTANT – Clean your area when finished. Remove the blue tape and the orange tag from the window. Move any flower containers/furniture back if you have moved them. Clean up any paint spills. Dispose of your trash in provided trash cans.
- Please bring back any unopen or slightly used paint. We can utilize unopen paint next year and donate slightly used bottles local charities.
- Smaller/Larger Paint Brushes
- Garbage Bag
- Dry Erase Markers
- Stepladder/stool
- Paper Plate/Bowls for Paint
- Paper Towels
- Water/Plastic Cups
- Tape for drop cloth